Source: builder/builderNode.js

 * Constructs a BuilderNode
 * @classdesc
 * BuilderNodes are nodes in a {@link BuilderGraph}. That is, they are nodes in
 * a user defined motif. They are not results of a search for a motif. Rather,
 * they define the motif structure that should be searched for. BuilderNodes are
 * so named because they are the result of the user-facing graph builder.
 * @constructor
 * @extends AbstractNode
function BuilderNode() {;


// BuilderNode extends Node
BuilderNode.prototype = Object.create(AbstractNode.prototype);
BuilderNode.prototype.constructor = BuilderNode;

 * Checks to see if this builder node belongs to a host with a constraint
 * @returns {Boolean} True if this node's host has a constraint and false otherwise
BuilderNode.prototype.hasHostConstraint = function() {
	return this.hasHostConstraint;

 * Sets the hasHostConstraint boolean to the given parameter
 * @param {Boolean} hasHostConstraint
BuilderNode.prototype.setHasHostConstraint = function(hasHostConstraint) {
	this.hasHostConstraint = hasHostConstraint;