Source: logEventMatcher/lemAST.js

 * The constructor for this abstract class may be called by extending classes
 * @classdesc
 * <p>
 * This is the abstract class for
 * {@link abstract syntax tree}
 * elements that define a text query.
 * </p>
 * <p>
 * This class is (and hence all of its subclasses are) part of the
 * {@link visitor pattern}, which
 * is realized by the {@link AST#accept} method.
 * </p>
 * @constructor
 * @abstract
function AST() {

    if (this.constructor == AST) {
        throw new Exception("Cannot instantiate AST; AST is an abstract class");

 * This method realizes the
 * {@link visitor pattern}. As
 * this is an abstract method, subclasses must override this method in a manner
 * consistent with the visitor pattern
 * @abstract
 * @param {ASTVisitor} visitor
 * @param {*} pass
AST.prototype.accept = function(visitor, pass) {


// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Constructs a BinaryOp whose operator is op and whose left and right operands
 * are lhs and rhs.
 * @classdesc
 * A node in the abstract syntax tree that represents a binary operation. The
 * semantics of each operator defined in terms of javascript operators is as
 * follows:
 * <li>BinaryOp.AND: lhs && rhs</li>
 * <li>BinaryOp.XOR: lhs ^ rhs</li>
 * <li>BinaryOp.OR: lhs || rhs</li>
 * <li>BinaryOp.EQUALS: lhs == rhs if rhs is a string. /rhs/.test(lhs) if rhs
 * is a regex</li>
 * <li>BinaryOp.NOT_EQUALS: lhs != rhs if rhs is a string. !(/rhs/.test(lhs))
 * if rhs is a regex</li>
 * @constructor
 * @extends AST
 * @param {*} op The binary operator associated with this ast. This parameter
 *            must be one of the constants defined in the BinaryOp class such as
 *            BinaryOp.AND
 * @param {AST} lhs The left hand side operand
 * @param {AST} rhs The right hand side operand
function BinaryOp(op, lhs, rhs) {

    /** @private */
    this.op = op;

    /** @private */
    this.lhs = lhs;

    /** @private */
    this.rhs = rhs;

 * @const
 * @static
BinaryOp.AND = "AND";

 * @const
 * @static
BinaryOp.XOR = "XOR";

 * @const
 * @static
BinaryOp.OR = "OR";

 * @const
 * @static

 * @const
 * @static

 * Overrides {@link AST#accept}
BinaryOp.prototype.accept = function(visitor, pass) {
    return visitor.visitBinaryOp(this, pass);

 * Gets the operator associated with this binary operation. The returned value
 * will be one of the constants defined in the BinaryOp class such as
 * BinaryOp.AND
 * @returns {*} The operator
BinaryOp.prototype.getOp = function() {
    return this.op;

 * Gets the left hand side operand associated with this binary operation
 * @returns {AST} The left hand side operand
BinaryOp.prototype.getLHS = function() {
    return this.lhs;

 * Gets the right hand side operand associated with this binary operation
 * @returns {AST} The right hand side operand
BinaryOp.prototype.getRHS = function() {
    return this.rhs;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Constructs an identifier whose name is the parameter
 * @classdesc
 * Identifier represents a reference to a value via its bound identifier. In
 * other words, this represents the result of looking up the binding to an
 * identifier in the current environment
 * @constructor
 * @extends AST
 * @param {String} name The name of of the identifier
function Identifier(name) {

    /** @private */ = name;

 * Overrides {@link AST#accept}
Identifier.prototype.accept = function(visitor, pass) {
    return visitor.visitIdentifier(this, pass);

 * Gets the name of the identifer
 * @returns {String} the name of the identifier
Identifier.prototype.getName = function() {

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Constructs a string literal whose value is the parameter
 * @classdesc
 * StringLiteral represents a literal string (i.e a string surrounded by quotes)
 * @constructor
 * @extends AST
 * @param {String} text the value of the stringliteral
function StringLiteral(text) {

    /** @private */
    this.text = text;

 * Overrides {@link AST#accept}
StringLiteral.prototype.accept = function(visitor, pass) {
    return visitor.visitStringLiteral(this, pass);

 * Gets the value of the string literal
 * @returns {String} the string literal value
StringLiteral.prototype.getText = function() {
    return this.text;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Constructs a regular expression from the parameter
 * @classdesc
 * This class represents a literal regular expression.
 * @constructor
 * @extends AST
 * @param {String} text the regex in text form
function RegexLiteral(text) {

    try {
        /** @private */
        this.regex = new RegExp(text);
    catch (e) {
        throw new Exception("The regular expression " + text + " is not valid.");

 * Overrides {@link AST#accept}
RegexLiteral.prototype.accept = function(visitor, pass) {
    return visitor.visitRegexLiteral(this, pass);

 * Gets the regular expression as a Javascript RegExp object
 * @returns {RegExp} The regular expression
RegexLiteral.prototype.getRegex = function() {
    return this.regex;

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Constructs an implicit search with the parameter as the search query
 * @classdesc
 * This class represents a search over all of a logEvent's fields. The semantics
 * of the search are as follows: Consider the set "I" of all identifiers in the
 * current environment. Let bound(x) be the value bound to identifier x. The
 * search returns true if and only if there exists an identifier i in I such
 * that the search text is a case-insensitive substring of bound(i). The search
 * returns false otherwise.
 * @constructor
 * @extends AST
 * @param {String} text The query text
function ImplicitSearch(text) {

    /** @private */
    this.text = text;

 * Overrides {@link AST#accept}
ImplicitSearch.prototype.accept = function(visitor, pass) {
    return visitor.visitImplicitSearch(this, pass);

 * Gets the search query
 * @returns {String} The search query
ImplicitSearch.prototype.getText = function() {
    return this.text;