Source: motifFinder/motif.js

 * Constructs an empty motif.
 * @classdesc
 * A Motif is a set of edges and nodes that are a subgraph of a
 * {@link AbstractGraph}. Motifs can be used by other classes to identify or
 * store interesting or useful parts of a larger graph. The exact importance of
 * the edges and nodes stored is left up to the utilizing class.
 * @constructor
function Motif() {

    /** @private */
    this.nodes = {};

    /** @private */
    this.edges = {};

 * Adds a node to this motif
 * @param {AbstractNode} node the node to add
Motif.prototype.addNode = function(node) {
    this.nodes[node.getId()] = node;

 * Adds multiple nodes to this motif
 * @param {Array<AbstractNode>} nodes An array containing the nodes to add
Motif.prototype.addAllNodes = function(nodes) {
    for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {

 * Gets all nodes that are contained in this motif.
 * @returns {Array<AbstractNode>}
Motif.prototype.getNodes = function() {
    var array = [];
    for (var key in this.nodes) {
    return array;

 * Adds an edge to this motif, given the two nodes that the edge connects. Note
 * that this class does not check that the added edge actually exists anywhere
 * or is otherwise meaningful in any way. Such checks are the responsibility of
 * classes utilizing Motif
 * @param {AbstractNode} node1 One of the nodes the edge connects. Must not be
 *            identical to node2
 * @param {AbstractNode} node2 One of the nodes the edge connects. Must not be
 *            identical to node1
Motif.prototype.addEdge = function(node1, node2) {
    this.edges[Motif.getEdgeId(node1, node2)] = [ node1, node2 ];

 * Adds multiple edges to this motif.
 * @param {Array<Array<AbstractNode>>} edges The edges to add. edges[i] is the
 *            i-th edge to be added. edge[i][0] and edge[i][1] are the two nodes
 *            the i-th edge connects. For example, if you want to add two edges:
 *            one from x to y and another from t to w, edges would be [ [x, y],
 *            [t, w] ]
Motif.prototype.addAllEdges = function(edges) {
    for (var i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
        this.addEdge(edges[i][0], edges[i][1]);

Motif.prototype.addTrail = function(nodes) {
    for (var i = 1; i < nodes.length; i++) {
        this.addEdge(nodes[i], nodes[i - 1]);
    if (nodes.length > 0) {

 * Gets all the edges in this motif
 * @returns {Array<Array<AbstractNode>>} the edges in this motif. edges[i] is
 *          the i-th edge in the motif. edge[i][0] and edge[i][1] are the two
 *          nodes the i-th edge connects. For example, if there are two edges:
 *          one from x to y and another from t to w, the returned array would be [
 *          [x, y], [t, w] ]
Motif.prototype.getEdges = function() {
    var edges = [];
    for (var key in this.edges) {
    return edges;

 * Merges two motifs. All of the edges and nodes in other will be added to this.
 * The other motif will be unmodified
 * @param {Motif} other the other motif to merge into this one
Motif.prototype.merge = function(other) {

 * Gets the number of nodes in this motif
 * @returns {Number} the number of nodes in this motif
Motif.prototype.getNumNodes = function() {
    var count = 0;
    for(var key in this.nodes) {
    return count;

 * Gets the number of edges in this motif
 * @returns {Number} the number of edges in this motif
Motif.prototype.getNumEdges = function() {
    var count = 0;
    for(var key in this.edges) {
    return count;

 * @private
Motif.getEdgeId = function(node1, node2) {
    var min = Math.min(node1.getId(), node2.getId());
    var max = Math.max(node1.getId(), node2.getId());
    return min + ":" + max;